Mountain Biking!

The most fun you can have on a mountain bike comes when you are riding on the edge of a crash.

Mountain biking, my favorite outdoor activity! What a great way to enjoy nature, push your limits physically, and hit trees!

My bike of choice! It hits trees quite well!

Above is my beloved Haro. Not the bike it was when I purchased it, I have replaced every component on the bike. Upgrades are great, especially if you can do the labor yourself! Shimano XT drive train and shifters, with the exception of the LX crank. I could not justify the big jump in price between the XT and LX crank when one does not have that much of an advantage over the other. LX brakes and levers. XTR hubs and Mavic rims. Easton seat post, stem, and bars. I love my bike!

My bike has taken me through five races. The Mike Cool Memorial Challenge which I rode with the great James D. The Glacier Gorge twice with James as well. What a great course the Glacier Gorge was. It is no longer a race in Michigan much to my sadness. And finally, the Subaru Iceman, once again, with James. I was signed up for the Iceman a third time, but tore my right bicep tendon clear off the bone. Had surgery and was out of commission for some time. But that is another story.

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                                                               Myself                             James D

That's me in the very middle with the red Fox Racing jersey. Over 2000 people ride in this race every year. The fun part about it is that it takes place during the first weekend of November. November in Michigan can be quite cold!

Here we have Kirt. Pre endo. Shortly after this shot Kirt ended up in the river he was crossing. He is my most frequent riding buddy. He is also the craziest rider I have had the pleasure of riding with. He will ride the difficult line and tackle any obstacle, whether he end up on his head or planted into a tree, Kirt will get up and do it again until he nails it. Below is a good example of  what I mean...

Notice the bike with the back wheel up in the air, stuck against a tree, with the front wheel on the ground with Kirt. I can say without question that he pushes himself to do more crazy stuff than I would dare to do. I admire him for that!

Here we have my favorite of all time riding companion... my wife Kelly. She has to drink lots of fluid and lean on lots of trees to keep up with me! And finally, me catching some air on a fast downhill.