What Is Causing My Headache?

This background give me a headache, how about you?

04/03/2006   Here's a good one. It just may give you a headache, too. My wife and I took our 2 1/2 year old to see Ice Age: The Meltdown. Conner is a pretty bright kid, even at his young age. He is also a big fan of the first Ice Age. So, we thought that the sequel would be a good choice to bring him to. Maybe not... The movie started out pretty fun. The squirrel was chasing his acorn, just like he did to may laughs in the first movie. Shortly after, enter the stars of the show, Sid, Manny, and Diego. Still fun. Until Manny starts telling a group of young prehistoric animals a story about a burro. Even this is fun. Next comes the part that made my wife and I cringe. A little creature corrects Manny by telling him that technically a burro is know as a 'Wild Ass', to which Manny responds with several 'Wild Ass' comments. These were meant to go over the heads of the kids in the audience and make the parents laugh, I am sure. However, this is stuff that I really do not want my son hearing and repeating. Shortly there after, a prehistoric beaver looks up at a giant wall of ice and says 'Dam!'. The meaning was not lost on Kelly and I. Then, as all of the animals are running away from an impending flood, a family of dung beetles make a comment about bringing all of their 'crap' along with them as they roll along on a big ball of it. Is this necessary in a movie geared for kids? I sure don't think so. I was extremely disappointed, but not shocked. It seems to me that Hollywood is trying to push it's twisted family values and lack of moral lifestyle on America. You can't even take your kid to a children's movie without being bombarded by inappropriate language. I think back to the last PG-13 movie that I went to see. The f-bomb was dropped at least three times. Is this the language that I want my 13 year old to hear and use. No way! I am 34 and I don't even use it. As a matter of fact, I cringe every time I hear it. It is not necessary and to me shows an individuals inability to use the English language. There are many other words out there to be used.

Thanks again, Hollywood, for bring down the moral character of our youth... I need an Advil!

03/30/2006   Today's headache is brought to you by high gas prices in Grand Rapids! Can anyone explain to me how gas prices can jump 25 cents in one day, then drop penny by penny by penny. It can take weeks to get the gas prices back down to where they were... but that's just it, they never seem to get back down to where they were. Are we being conditioned to accept high gas prices? Why does the governor of Michigan not seem to be as concerned over the price of gas like she was before she was elected? Why are gas prices in Michigan 25 cents above the national average? Why are gas prices in Ludington 10 to 15 cents cheaper than in Grand Rapids? Why do people fill up at a gas station that is selling unleaded regular for $2.75 when they could make a statement by driving down the street to a gas station that is selling for less. We need to make a statement. We need to stop being lazy and find the cheaper gas stations and reward them by giving them our business. I drive a 1998 Honda Accord that gets around 26 - 28 mpg in the city and in the mid 30's on the highway. What do you drive? A giant SUV that devours gas like I devour pizza after a 26 mile mountain bike ride? Or are you a smart one that drives a fuel efficient diesel (Go VW!). I just filled up in Ludington last week. My midsize car took $40 in gas. OUCH! I am forced to wonder how a family that does not have a decent income or an economical car gets by...

Later, I have to take some brain pain meds... 

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