Does this look like a life to you? It should...

Murder Versus Adoption

The Similarities



 You can pursue earlier goals and plans.

 You can pursue earlier goals and plans.

 You can live independently.

 You can live independently.

 You will not have to parent prematurely.

 You will not have to parent prematurely.

You will be free from the financial burdens of parenting.

You will be free from the financial burdens of parenting.

 You will avoid being forced into a hasty marriage.

 You will avoid being forced into a hasty marriage.

If you are a teenager, you can resume your youthful lifestyle.

If you are a teenager, you can resume your youthful lifestyle.

The Differences



Your pregnancy ends with giving life.

Your pregnancy ends with death.

You can feel good and positive about your choice.

You may feel guilt and shame about your choice.

You will remember giving birth.

You will remember taking a life.

You will have plenty of time to plan your and your baby's future.

Abortion is final; you can't reverse your decision.

You can hold, name, and love your baby.

You will never know or treasure your baby.

You can have continued contact with your child.

You will miss the opportunity to see your child develop.

Adoption goes a step beyond choosing life for your baby. It is a quality of life decision for you and your child.


Compliments of Bethany Christian Services,


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